Two Urbanists In A Cocktail Bar

Recently I was invited by Alkarim Devani a local infill developer and a huge advocate for creating more diversity and density in Calgary’s established communities to chat with him about city building in Calgary. Of course I said “Yes!” 

The concept is a bit like Jerry Seinfeld’s Netflix special, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” i.e. with Al being Jerry and me the comedian, except I’m not that funny.  As the title suggests, we did meet in a funky cocktail bar. It was located at the back of a café in Calgary’s trendy Inglewood neighbourhood, appropriately called Neighbourhood Café, which has a cocktail bar called “Business & Pleasure” in the back. Yes, it is very cool! Jerry would love it. Maybe I should tell his people as he is coming to town, but not until November 16, 2024.

As soon as I arrived, Al asked “What your choice for coffee?” and quickly we were off chatting about a divergent thoughts on Calgary’s city building.  We were like two tom cats in the alley.  

But first we had to stop to get “miked up” and then it was game on. Twenty-four minutes later it was over.

I don’t think either of use took a breath as we lob the ball back and forth over the cocktail bar.  It was great fun as we bantered on everything from blanket rezoning to the negative impact of high-rises on downtown living, from increased density in new suburban communities to how Calgary is a leader in infill developments in North America.

Here is a link to the podcast for those of you who are interested in what two Calgary infill development geeks think about how our city is evolving.

Listen: City Building: Devani vs White