London Streets: Capturing The Moment
Son & Father (after I took this picture of a boy trying to play this horn, I was told by the vendor that the boy is Autistic and loves music. He had been trying to play the horn for over an hour. )
In 2018 I wrote, “Ever since watching the documentary “Finding Vivian Maier” on Netflix early this year, I have become more intrigued by the connection between being a flaneur, being an everyday tourist and being a street photographer.” My interest in street photography and street culture has only grown since them.
Link: Vivian Maier vs Everday Tourist
While in London late in 2019, I spent a lot of time on the streets studying and documenting the city’s street life. One of the keys to street photography is being in the right place, at the right time, to “capture the moment.”
This online photography exhibition is based on the theme “Capturing The Moment.”
First Cell Phone
Move along…
Capturing The Moment
Happy Shoppers
Happy Reader
Up in the air…
Black Cap Synchronicity
Capturing the Moment
Laundry Day Smiles
Clowning Around
Less Haste…
Dead Slow
That one…
Buy Now Pay Later?
On the level…
Swing Your Partner
Mind Games…
Parking Patrol Super Figure
No Peeking!
The Boyfriend?
Private Property
Funeral Plans
Happy Face
The Look
Wonderful Palace
Blue Hands Group
Team work
Umbrella Parade
Hats Off…
Line in the sidewalk….
Santa & Barbara
Flying vs Invisibility
Stepping Out!
Pink Umbrella Guy!
Waiting for….
Past Caring…
London Blues…
Subway 1
Misguided Christmas
The Explanation
All alone…
The Conversation
Curators? Art Dealers?
Big Boy Toys!
Checking for messages…
Improvising (this individual was creating a haunting sound by blowing into the pilon)
Wonky Donkey
Bash Trash!
Double Double Deckers…
Banana Bus…
Pick Tie Guy!
Whats the time?
Last Word
As someone once said “every picture tells a story.” I hope you enjoyed these stories.
If you’s like some more street stories, check out these links:
Vivian Maier vs Everyday Tourist