Japanese Dining Delights in London: A Curated Selection of Top Spots

British food isn’t exactly considered gourmet. In fact, it’s ridiculed around the world. It is worth noting though, British food has never tried to be gourmet. It’s comfort food, plain and simple. When you consider the weather in the United Kingdom, it’s not hard to see why its inhabitants like hearty meals! However, while British food isn’t the best, the United Kingdom is home to some of the best restaurants in the world, with many cuisines and tastes being catered to. London, England’s capital city, has arguably some of the most popular Japanese restaurants outside of Japan. This post will tell you about some of the top spots.

Ginza, St. James

St. James is arguably one of London’s most beautiful districts. It is located a stone’s throw from Buckingham Palace and is home to some of the world’s most popular tailors. Savile Row is also around the corner, so the district’s connection to clothing is unsurprising. However, fashion and royalty aren’t all St. James has to offer. The district also has some of the best restaurants in the entire city! One of these is Ginza. According to the team from https://www.ginza-stjames.com/, the meals cooked there are crafted from the finest ingredients, all sourced from either local dealers or Japan. The restaurant’s food is an opportunity for its talented chefs to showcase their expertise. You only need to take a look at Ginza’s reviews to see how popular it is.  

Japan House

Japan House is located in Kensington. It is a museum that showcases Japanese arts and crafts and products manufactured by true experts back in Japan. Most people are familiar with it purely because of its basement hall, where the venue’s owners hold regular events, most of which are open to the public for free. There is also a store on the ground floor where people can buy gifts brought to the United Kingdom from Japan. However, on the top floor, Japan House has one of the best Japanese restaurants in the city, aside from Ginza. Akira is a restaurant that has attracted a significant following. While their meals can be highly-priced, making them out of most people’s budgets, they are delicious. There is also a ground floor bakery where people can buy themselves sweet treats either from Japan or cooked on-site.

Japan Centre

Japan Centre is regularly confused with Japan House. Japan Centre, however, it's just a Japanese supermarket. There are two venues in London. Japan Centre has one of the best Japanese restaurants in the city. Downstairs in the central location, there is a restaurant. At this restaurant, you can eat a variety of different wholesome Japanese dishes. While the food prepared in Japan Centre is nowhere near as gourmet as the food prepared in the previously mentioned restaurants, it is still delicious. The food there tends to be very hearty and a lot simpler. For example, you can find ramen bowls and tempura there. The prices are significantly lower than they are in Ginza or Japan House’s Akira. You do not need to book ahead, either. There are usually lots of different tables available at any given time, so you can just turn up and get one. Alternatively, you can buy your food and take it outside to eat.

Zuma London

Zuma London it's another very popular Japanese restaurant. If you take a look at its reviews, you can see this. Something to note about reviews is that if you are planning on visiting a restaurant for the first time, it is always good to read them prior to booking a table. This is because a restaurant’s reviews can tell you a lot about it and make it much easier for you to decide whether or not you want to go there and spend your money. Many Japanese restaurants in London can be very expensive, which means you need to be sure you are getting the most value for money. If the restaurant you go to serves you a plate of food you are not happy with, unless there is something genuinely wrong with it, the chances are you are not going to get a refund. This means you will have wasted your money. Reading a restaurant’s reviews before you visit is the best way to prevent yourself from leaving unfulfilled. Also worth noting before closing this post is that if you plan on visiting any of the restaurants mentioned above, with the exception of Japan Centre, you need to book a table in advance.

Last Word

Japanese food is some of the most delicious in the world. It’s usually crafted with love, care, and attention. London has some fantastic restaurants, with the best ones being named here. Definitely give them consideration if you are interested in eating out soon.