Calgary: Capturing The Art In ARchiTecture!

I have always loved how photography can capture the link between art and architecture, especially with contemporary architecture. For several years, I have been collecting images that capture downtown Calgary unique urban design aesthetics.  There is something about the light, latitude and the close proximity of 40 million square feet of office space that creates an urban surrealism that I have not experienced in other skyscraper cities.   

I thought the "pecha kucha" format which is 20 slides each shown for 20 seconds for a 6 minute and 40 second presentation while the speaker gives his or her talk would be an interesting format for a blog. 

I this case there will be no speaker or text, the photography speak for itself.  But I challenge you to study each image for about 20 seconds (a little longer than a glance) and see what happens.


Princeton reflection in Shaw
Grain Exchange Building, Calgary
Blue Abstraction downtown Calgary