Dried Fruits your Ultimate Travel Companion

When we go on vacation, we often go to unknown places where we do not have the usual comforts of home in terms of food. Even if very often we have more fun with restaurants and also small delicacies, however, it is not always easy to respond correctly to an occasional craving. Whether it is because of long walks or short nights, it is possible that we have at any time of the day a desire to eat. In order to meet our needs, there is a simple solution: dried fruits.

Plan A Healthy Diet For The Trip

When planning a healthy diet for a trip, it's important to focus on foods that are nutrient-dense and easy to prepare. Processed foods and fast foods may seem convenient, but they're not ideal for maintaining a balanced diet during a long trip.

The paleo diet, for example, can be very easy to set up during a road trip: made up of vegetables and animal products, you just have to go to the markets to find something to compose your plate, and the cooking of these types of dishes are really easy to make!

Drying oranges

In our opinion, it is essential to plan meals in advance so that you can take as many non-perishable items with you as possible (if you are leaving with your van and the border crossing allows it).

Make a list of fresh, non-perishable foods that can be easily stored in your camper van. Healthy options include dried fruits, nuts, almonds, cereal bars, protein snacks, and whole grains.

As we said above, you can then plan to buy perishable foods on the spot! If you are going to an expensive country (Norway, for example), it may be smart to take as many organic dried fruits and vegetables as possible in cans or jars and stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables for a week.

Don't forget that the pleasure of eating remains very important during a trip. This is often the time when we settle down, and we are usually very happy to eat something we like after a hike that has exhausted all our resources. If you crave a less healthy snack, feel free to treat yourself to one now and then. The important thing is to strike a balance and focus on healthy food choices most of the time to maintain your health and energy throughout your journey.

Ideas for Non-Perishable Food to Go

  • Travelling involves having to deal with many unforeseen situations, so it is important to be prepared for all eventualities. One of the best ways to do this is to have a list of non-perishable foods to take with you. Here are some ideas (tested and approved):

  • Dried fruits, such as raisins, dates, figs, or apricots, are high in energy and nutrients and can be stored for a long time without refrigeration.

  • Nuts, such as almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, or pistachios, are high in protein, healthy fats, and fibre and can also be stored at room temperature.

  • Cereal bars, or energy bars, are easy to carry and can provide you with a quick dose of energy and nutrients.

  • Canned fish and vegetables, such as tuna or salmon, green beans or mushrooms, bagged beets, etc., can be eaten directly or added to a salad or sandwich. We agree that it is not that ideal (for health and ecology) compared to fresh fish, but still better than having no protein and omega-3 intake at all.

  • Pasta, rice or pulses, which are easy to cook and can be combined with sauces or spices for a healthy and hearty meal. Carrots and potatoes, for example, can last a long time in a dry cupboard away from heat.

  • Savoury or sweet biscuits, crackers or crisps can be enjoyed as a snack or as an accompaniment to a meal.

  • Cereals, such as sugar-free cornflakes, oats, etc.

  • Flours, such as chickpea flour to make hummus or buckwheat flour to make Breton pancakes.

  • Eggs, which can easily last several weeks

Hazel Nuts

The Benefits of Dried Fruits during Travelling

  • Dried fruits are easy to carry

  • The big advantage of these foods is that they are very easy to transport and store. So it is possible to always have some in your bag in case you are a little hungry. They can be transported in a box as well as in a plastic bag in order to enjoy them anywhere.

  • It is true that when you visit a city or a very touristy place, there is a wide choice of snacks or shops where you can buy delicacies to satisfy your cravings. However, these foods, which are often too fatty or too sweet, can fill you up without meeting your body's needs. This is why it is better to consume it out of greed but before eating some dried fruit in order to provide all the nutrients essential to the proper functioning of your body.

An Important Nutritional Contribution

For our bodies, dried fruits will provide essential elements. Each food will make it possible to meet a particular need. For example, if you get a bit tired during your walk, it is best to take a short break and eat dates because they will help satisfy your cravings for food while providing energy to your cells. Similarly, if you are afraid of lacking a little iron, you can eat dried figs.

Dried fruits can also be used to treat certain ailments on a daily basis, especially if you are not in your country and it is difficult to find a pharmacy. For example, in case you have eaten food that you do not digest very well, prunes help relieve constipation.

Dried fruits are essential ingredients for a trip; however, be careful to know if you are flying if they are allowed.


Adnoor is the ideal platform to get the best quality dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and basmati rice in Canada. We have been the wholesale supplier of rice and dried fruits in Canada for the last 25 years. We aim to provide our customers with the best quality products, so they keep trusting us.