Streets With Stunning Colours and Shadows
While surfing Flipboard (a magazine app that searches the internet for news and stories based on your interests and displays them in a magazine-like format) recently an article titled “Taiwanese Photographer Julia Chu Captures Incredible Moments on the Streets with Stunning Colors and Shadows” grabbed my attention as I love colour and I have long been fascinated with street shadows.
After looking at Chu’s images I was intrigued to see what I had in my library. A quick search of my Google Photo Library using the words “colour, shadow and street” resulted in 5,000+ images.
I had fun sifting through them for the rest of that evening and several more times for the next week. It brought back great memories of trips Edmonton, Montreal, Vancouver, Austin, Atlanta, Berlin, Florence, Dublin and London etc.
Some of the best photos were of flaneuring my neighbourhood with the kids next door when they were toddlers and we would just wander the ‘hood. Yes, it is never too early to start flaneuring.
I thought it would be fun to create a post with some of my street photos next to Chu’s and get some feedback from readers.
Everyday Tourist, Calgary Central Library
Everyday Tourist. Edmonton
Everyday Tourist. Hamilton
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Winnipeg
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Vancouver
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Leipzig, Germany
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Berlin
Everyday Tourist, Porland
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Vancouver
Everyday Tourist, Calgary
Everyday Tourist, Vancouver
Everyday Tourist, Vancouver
Everyday Tourist, Seattle
Chu? or Everyday Tourist?
Everyday Tourist, London, Ontario
Last Word
I am a firm believer that “every street photo should suggest a story.” I hope you enjoyed these stories.
You can see more of Chu’s work at: Taiwanese Photographer Julia Chu Captures Incredible Moments on the Streets with Stunning Colors and Shadows