Tips and Tricks for Canadians Travelling Abroad

Travelling can be described as an enjoyable experience with unforgettable moments. At some point, you might feel the urge to step away from the comforts of home—like cozy movie nights and gaming sessions using no deposit bonuses — and embark on an adventure. Travel lets you connect with the world and discover new things that await you beyond Canadian borders.

Sometimes, things don't go as planned, but with some preparation, you can handle anything that comes your way. Take the time to learn and get ready before you start your trip so you can enjoy your adventure worry-free. This article will provide helpful tips to ensure you're well-prepared.

Research Your Destination

Gathering information about your travel destination is essential, and you should take your time to do a lot of research about it. This will create awareness and allow you to anticipate the variations of your destination country, especially if you are leaving Canada for the first time.

Remember, the moment you leave Canada, everything changes. You should be aware of the differences in culture, languages, laws, and health conditions. For instance, feeding pigeons in Venice is illegal, and chewing gum is not allowed in Singapore. Foreign countries have laws that Canadians may find strange. Familiarising yourself with these laws before arriving at your country of destination can save you a lot.

You can access the travel advisory and tips from the Government of Canada and travel agencies like TICO.

Prepare your Documents and Travel Essentials

Applying for your visa in advance can save you from a lot of inconveniences and stress. As such, before embarking on your journey, make sure you have the necessary documents.

For Canadians, this implies having a working passport and understanding the visa requirement of the country's destination. Moreover, you should make copies of important documents such as:

  • Passport

  • Credit cards

  • Insurance policy

  • Tickets

  • Identification

  • Itineraries

  • COVID-19 vaccination proof

By this time, you should know the emergency contact number, how to access money while abroad, and currency exchange options.

Health and Safety Precautions

During your travels, you must be aware of your surroundings and take care of yourself. While it is advisable not to be concerned with things that might go wrong, ensure your health is sound and you are safe. Before embarking on your journey, research the health requirements and advisories for your destination, i.e., vaccination and travel insurance.

Protect your belongings from petty thieves and stay connected with friends and family. Before going for an adventure, share your itinerary with them, and do not leave out addresses and contact information. Familiarising yourself with safety tips and new environments can help you handle potential health threats and safety concerns. This allows you to focus on your journey and enjoy it.

Maintain Communication and Connectivity

East or West, home is the best! Travelling abroad does not mean you stop getting in touch with family and friends back in Canada. Moreover, travelling can be lonely, and if you are a person who suffers from homesickness, you should speak with people close to you as often as possible.

Thanks to the latest technology, you explore different ways of reaching out to your loved ones. Here are some considerations you should consider when keeping in touch with them:

Observe the Cultural Differences and Local Laws

However harsh or unfair the laws may be, it is necessary to observe the local and cultural differences of the country you are in. Remember that the local laws apply to everyone, including tourists. Therefore, don't expect different treatment; you can get in trouble if you break the law. You should consider your dress code, language etiquette, and upholding respectful behaviour when visiting religious and cultural sites.

Transportation and Accommodation

Another tip to consider when travelling abroad is transport and accommodation. To have an enjoyable adventure, you should research the destination country's transport system, such as bus, train, and plane. Consider the mode of transport that suits you best.

For instance, if you want to see the beautiful sights and interact with the locals, then you can opt for Buses and subways. You can download rideshare apps like Bolt and Uber for faster and more convenient trips.

When it comes to accommodation, you choose different options that resonate with your preferences and budget. Hotels can be a good option, but this depends on the location. Hostels and Airbnb can also be useful as they come fully equipped with better amenities and fall within the budget.

Book these accommodation options in advance to avoid missing out, especially during the holidays. Don't forget to choose a suitable location that is easy to access and not too far from amenities. As a result, you will be assured of comfort and convenience.

Observe Time

Unlike local flights, international flights can be hectic as they consume more time. Because of this, you should keep time and arrive at least 3 hours before your flight's departing time. International travel involves passing through customs and immigration departments, which takes time.


Travelling abroad is more demanding than domestic travel. As such, following the above tips and tricks is essential to be on the right side of things. Familiarising yourself with your destination country, having the necessary travelling documents, and maintaining health and safety protocols are required. You should also respect the religious and cultural practices of the locals. By doing all these, you'll be guaranteed an enjoyable adventure.