Why Travelers Must Prioritize Wellness Care

We’ve been bombarded lately with a lot of “live healthy” tips on social media and all the different channels promoting a lot of different lifestyle choices for the sole purpose of living a more healthy, fulfilled life. We’ve been told to do this and that, but the disappointing part is that these messages seldom come through to people who actually need them. Let’s take for example, the adventurous souls, those among us who are more than happy to explore new places and seek new experiences by leaving their comfort zones for the sole purpose of learning something new about themselves and their surroundings. 

Travelers sometimes get unwrapped by the lifestyle, often forgetting the beating their bodies are taking by constantly being on foot, going from place to place, changing climates and eating habits, sleep patterns, and all the miles they’ll have to spend on the road or in the air. So, maybe it’s time to talk about how and why travelers should prioritize wellness care and do their bodies a favor by simply getting a bit of rest and relaxation. In the text below, we’ll discuss this and more. Read on! 

Physical Health Maintenance

As we said, traveling a lot involves crossing thousands of miles by car, train, or plane. It also means your body spends hours in a certain position without the proper ability to move and we’re not meant to sit still for long periods, so the consequences are deep vein thrombosis or muscle stiffness. It means our back is taking quite a beating and after prolonged periods of being in a fixed seating position, we might notice how our necks are hurting and the lower back is on fire. So, in terms of maintaining our physical health, we’ll need to stretch a lot, do some exercises to make the lower part of the back stronger, and hydrate properly to keep the blood flowing and pumping to all parts of the body. Make sure to get up at least every 45 minutes and stay in this position for a minute or two. If that’s not possible, try changing the position of your legs, try stretching while seated by leaning a bit forward, and make sure to always take the fastest route to lower the traveling hours. 

Mental Well-Being 

Well, most travelers will probably tell you how the best kind of therapy is changing your current place every two months and going on a certain adventure. But even this can take a toll on our emotional and mental well-being and you’ll have to rethink this concept. We advise taking a bit of time off from the constant traveling and making sure you actually sit down and contemplate the memories you’ve gained. Write them down, keep track of your thoughts, read a couple of books or you might want to seek the help of a professional and discuss your thoughts with your therapist. 

Immunity Boost

Being exposed, as we mentioned, to so many different climates and different eating habits might affect your immune system and its ability to adapt quickly to the new surroundings and the new pathogens it’s been exposed to. You’ll have to make sure to take the needed vaccines and minerals to keep your body healthy and strong and give it a boost for new adventures. An interesting idea is to undergo the new and exciting methods now available for the sole purpose of strengthening yourself. Maybe you’ve heard of hyperthermic ozone carbonic transdermal therapy, a new and safe method that stimulates circulation, boosts metabolism, and supports the body’s natural detoxification processes. The many HOCATT health benefits are almost impossible to list at once, but the revolutionary approach makes it possible to rejuvenate your body while boosting your immune system and making it possible for your body to effectively process all the stress it’s been going through because of all the adventures you’ve been catching. 

Better Adaptation to New Environments

If you’re taking great care of your body, you're also making it possible to adapt more easily to the new environment and to have better energy levels at all times. It’s important to make sure you’re more than capable of handling all the additional stress you’ve been going through without it causing too much damage. Wellness care practices like staying hydrated, adjusting sleep schedules before travel, and gradually acclimatizing to new environments can ease the adaptation process. That’s why we believe you deserve it and why you should implement it more frequently and more often. 

Long-Term Health Benefits 

Wellness care makes your body young and your mind vibrant and sharp. Traveling a lot will eventually take a heavy toll on your body. The years and years of bad sleeping patterns and overall eating and exercise habits will show once your body is showing the first signs of slowing down. And this is inevitable, no matter how well you’re taking care of yourself. But, there is a major difference between the person who took preventive measures to slow this process down and those who simply went along with the ride. Just imagine, wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to travel at the age of 60, even though you need to catch a 20-hour flight? That’s a possibility if you let it be a possibility and all it takes is integrating wellness habits into your daily routine and giving your body the needed rest to effectively repair the damage. 

It’s not that hard once you get ahead of it. It might seem like a lot at the beginning and you might think you can’t fit it into your schedule but with a bit of planning, you’ll be able to take the needed wellness care, although you're planning on visiting 6 countries this year. All it takes is a bit of organization and as a traveler, you have already mastered this skill more than everyone else. Take your time, enjoy yourself, make sure to eat properly, and try some new and daring methods to try and boost your body and give it the needed boost.