Southern Alberta Road Trip: Folk Art & Architecture Postcards
Recently we decided to take a three day road trip south from Calgary to Lethbridge, over to Waterton National Park and then home. Along the way we dropped into numerous small towns and villages like Carseland, Vulcan, Carmongay, Barons, Nobleford, Picture Butte, Magrath, Cardston, Pincher Creek and Longview to check out their main streets, side streets and back alleys to see what fun surprises there might be.
We weren’t disappointed. We found some mega birdhouses, quirky, quasi public art, historic churches, artifacts and architecture and funky street signs. We began to call it the folk art and architecture tour.
Here are some postcards from our tour….
Was surprise to find this fish monument celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the town Carseland (population 525) which is near, but not next to the Bow River.
Loved this quirky homemade birdhouse that combines traffic lights with railway cars. The entire front yard was like a folk art gallery.
The architecture of the Carseland School reminded me of the old wooden grain sheds that dot the prairies.
Aspen Crossing at Mossleigh is a real hidden gem. The Aspen Crossing Railway is a heritage railway in Southern Alberta, southeast of Calgary. In 2002 the last CP train ran through Mossleigh, however, after 6 years of negotiations Jason Thornhill, the creator of Aspen Crossing, was successful in securing the rights to 14 miles of rail line. Today, you can enjoy Champagne Brunch, Dinner Theatre, High Tea or Aies on Rails while riding a vintage train. They even have a Circus Train. More info:
We enjoyed just wandering the grounds that includes several vintage railway cars, gift shop and greenhouse.
The highlight of the Aspen Crossing visit was having a coffee in the Diefenbaker Dinaing Car. It was purchased from Chicago to become Prime Minister John Diefenbaker’s “whistle-stop” rail car from 1958 to mid-1960. After 1962, John George Diefenbaker used the Pullman car as his private business car. Rumour has it, it once belonged to an “infamous gangster club.”
Next Stop Vulcan (population 1,917), where the entire town has embraced the Star Trek theme as a means of attracting tourists and adding some fun to living there.
Even some of the lampposts have a Star Trek connection.
At first I thought this was public art as it looks like a series of grain elevators. But I quickly learned it is a Solar Park that is both fun and educational with its didactic panels. Love the linking of science, art and a park.
The park has several colourful light boxes.
Found these all over town…this one was at the entrance to the Library. How fun!
Many of the shop windows make some reference to Star Trek.
Even the crosswalks have a Star Trek link.
If you explore Vulcan a bit more you will find bizarre buildings like this one.
This is Vulcan’s Visitor Information Centre which includes a small Star Trek museum.
Driving by on the highway you see the model of the Starship Enterprise and a huge fun solar flower both foreshadowing what there is to see if you stop and explore the town.
Next stop Carmangay (population 242), which is known for its fire tower. Link: Village History
At the entrance to Carmangay is a wind turbine blade lying on the ground that allows you to appreciate just how large they are. Also makes for a great piece of public art with its distinctive shape and soft flowing lines. A nice surprise.
We were surprise to find this well preserved church on a side street, it was a reminder of the importance of churches in establishing communities across the prairies a 100 years ago.
I expect this was a garage, today it would make a great artist’s studio. We found several corner buildings with similar rounded form like this on our adventure.
Next stop Champion (population 317) where we found this enchanting birdhouse on one the side streets.
Next stop Barons (population 341), which once had a lovely tree line boulevard for its main street. Today looks very much like a ghost town. It is the northern tip of what is know as the Palliser Triangle. It is perhaps most famous as being a filming location for a scene in the 1978 Superman film.
Nature is slowly taking over this old motel on Main Street.
Someone has tried to brighten up this building and main street with a mural, but it has seen better days.
The quilt-like mural is composed of blocks each with a name of a local family.
Loved these hand cut steel street signs.
This one made me think of my Mom who calls herself “The Queen of the Rails.”
Next stop Nobleford population 1,280 where we found this charming wooden train in a backyard. Nobleford has realized an amazing revitalization since 2005 with a population increase of 50%, a 300% increase in employment and possibly the lowest municipal taxes in Canada.
Not sure if this is suppose to be folk art or some contemporary art installation about how we clutter our lives with things.
This old ice cream parlour with its board walk in Picture Butte (population 1,810) caught our attention, but unfortunately it is closed.
However, we did find this folk art gate. We haven’t seen one like this before.
After an over night stay in Lethbridge our next stop was Magrath (population 2,374) where we were greeted by its unique skyline.
Love how this modern grain elevator has a miniature historic grain elevator on the top, but with a rounded roof rather than a pointed pitched roof.
I have never seen a Civic Ave in any town or city before.
What is it about small towns and fun fire hydrants. Some might see then a kitschy but I love them.
Some might also see this mural as kitschy but I found it intriguing.
Next stop Cardston population 3,585. This log house was built by Charles Ora Card who in the autumn of 1887 led the first group of Mormons from Utah to Canada. It was one of the first buildings in the new Cardston townsite and remained for many years the centre of Cardston’s development.
Loved the oversized arches of the School Division building.
Guess a coat of paint made this building the New Block.
Cardston’s lovely historic Main Street was deserted on Saturday morning as everyone was at church.
The Art Deco theatre was the architectural highlight of the street.
This old hotel dominated Cardston’s Main Street like a ghost of past prosperity.
What a great name for a cafe….
Not sure if I like the paint job or not, but love the rounded corner.
As the Executive Director of the Calgary Downtown Association I initiated one of the first “Say No To Panhandlers / Give to Agencies That Can Help Them” campaigns in Canada. You don’t hear much about panhandling problems anymore. Are there fewer or have we just accepted them.
On Main Street was a charming Mormon bookstore. It was an very interesting place to explore as it had a very different vibe with everyone dressed up as they were going or coming from church. It also had some unique books like this one.
Perfect bench!
The clouds in the background created a surreal sense of place for the temple entrance.
Sandstone buildings always have charm and warmth that makes them timeless.
Next stop Waterton (population 104) and the majestic Prince of Wales hotel.
I think it would make a great birdhouse!
Yes the hotel still uses room keys.
Was surprised to find this 20th century artifact in downtown Waterton.
One of the many charming cottages in Waterton.
Love how the roof of the church mirrors the mountain behind. By design or chance?
Classic mid century garage today not only serves the needs of vehicles, but also rents bikes and kayaks, as well as being a convenience store.
One of the reason for out trip was to experience the live music at the Twin Butte General Store that was recently written up as one of Alberta’s best honky-tonks. Link: Searching for Calgary’s true country heart We had front row seats, but I wouldn’t call it a real honky-tonk as it is more a restaurant than a live music venue - I’d take Calgary’s Blues Can any day. But if you are in the area it is a must stop as it is a quirky general store.
Twin Butte population 10.
Next stop Pincher Creek population 3,642 with its pleasant Main Street.
This strange sculpture marks the entrance to downtown. The plaque gives no information on the artist or its significance. Turns out it is an enlarged pincer that would be used for trimming the feet of horses. Turns out in 1868 when a group of prospectors lost a pincer in the small creek at this location and in 1876 the North-West Mounted Police discovered the rusting tool in the creek and named the area Pincher Creek.
it has the typical historic murals, as well as some surprises.
Who let this cow out of the pasture? Is this one of Calgary’s “Udderly Art” cows? The cow is on the balcony of the historic King Edward Hotel.
Quilt shop window…
Pincher Creek’s Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village is definitely worth a visit. They had an amazing quilt show when we were there.
There is lots of fun local history artifacts.
The Museum also includes a village that is very much like Calgary’s Heritage Park but on a smaller scale.
I am a sucker for minimalist architecture.
I am also a sucker for brick and rounded corners.
Next stop Longview population 307 and a popular watering hole along Highway #22. The towns Main Street has two iconic hotels - Twin Cities Hotel and Blue Sky Motel. It has also become a bit of an artists colony with several art galleries and cafes.
Blue Sky Motel.
We were surprise to find The Film Experience Camera Store with its huge collection of film cameras and accessories. It literally has hundreds, maybe over a thousand vintage film cameras, lenses and accessories. It is rumoured to be the largest film camera store in Canada. Owner David Marshall is very friendly and knowledgeable. Next door is the Prairie Light Gallery that feature his photography ,as well as others.
A blast from the past….
Our adventure ended as it began with a front yard full of pieces of folk art.
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