Games to Play During Summer Camping Season

Canada may get a bad reputation for being too cold, but during the summer months, the weather is perfect for heading into the great outdoors and going camping. In every province, you can find picturesque areas of countryside that are perfect for setting up a campsite. Of course, camping isn’t all hikes and hardwork. Sometimes you just want to relax and play some games. That’s why we thought we’d share some of the best games to play while camping.

Truth or Dare

Obviously, this game is better for camping with your buddies than a family trip. Nevertheless, it’s a classic game for playing around the campfire. There are only so many dares that can be done out in the wilderness, making this a great way to ask some questions and learn things about your friends. As long as nobody takes things too far, this can be a great way to bond during a camping trip.

Would You Rather

This is another game that isn’t necessarily for families. It’s all about coming up with crazy “would you rather” situations. Just like truth or dare, it can be a good way to get to know your friends better by asking questions nobody is expecting. As long as nobody goes overboard, this game can provide hours of entertainment for campers.

Twenty Questions

When in doubt, campers can always play 20 questions. The premise couldn’t be more simple and anybody can play. It helps to keep everyone sharp and focused because they have to put their detective hat on. Playing 20 questions can also help to spark conversations while also giving some people bragging rights if they can be the first person to guess the person, place, or object that someone is thinking about.


There is a long-standing tradition of playing card games on camping trips. With a standard deck of cards, there is no limit to the card games you can play. However, blackjack could be the best card game to play while camping. It’s easy to learn and doesn’t require a ton of thinking outside of being able to count to 21. Also, the rounds go quickly, helping to keep everyone engaged and interested.


The best part of blackjack is you can keep playing it even after all of your other campers have gone to bed. You can always play online blackjack for real money using your favorite mobile device, even during a camping trip.


It might seem a little corny, but there’s no shame in playing charades on a camping trip. Nobody is around except for your fellow campers, so just let yourself go while trying to pantomime various words and phrases. Charades is meant to be silly and a little embarrassing, which is why it’s fun and why it remains a classic camping game.

Fish Bowl

If playing charades isn’t enough, you can always go one step further and play fish bowl. This allows you to combine charades, taboo, and password into one long and highly-competitive game. It’s not always the favorite game of everyone on the camping trip, but once you get into it, everybody is bound to have a good time. As long as somebody remembers to bring pencil and paper, fish bowl should be a part of every camping trip.

Where in the World Are We?

This game is great for friends and families who have done a lot of traveling together. It’s not so much a competitive game as much as it is a reason to reminisce about past travel destinations. After all, that’s part of what makes camping great; you get to remember past memories while also making some new ones. That’s why a few rounds of Where in the World Are We should be a requirement for every camping trip.