Things to do in Calgary: Street & Back Alley Flaneuring

For years, I have been walking my neighbourhood, taking photos of the strange things I find.

At the end of April I shared some of my “Fun Flaneur Finds” to encourage people to walk in their neighbourhood during the COVID lockdown. The feedback was positive so I thought I would compile my best “finds” of May and share them too.

I am always surprise at how many new things I find even though I have walked the same streets for 25+ years. Perhaps the best finds was while wandering Riley Park. I don’t know what made me go explore this bench (middle photo) hidden in the northwest corner of the park. To my surprise the bench had special meaning.

I tweeted out this “fun find” wondering why the bench was at this location. A relative of Dashiell’s responded that she didn’t know why it was in Riley Park, but did say Dash is doing fine. How cool is that?

Flaneuring by car?

I do have to admit some of my best finds in May were in Acadia - not exactly my neighbourhood. We were early for a social distancing happy hour with friends so when I saw an interesting front yard, I stopped the car and jumped out to explore. Soon I was wandering the entire block as there were several houses with interesting front yard art. It seems every neighbourhood has at least one eccentric house with weird, wild and wacky things on the front lawn. I love it!

While technically not exactly a flaneur find, who says flaneuring always has to be walking. Why not flaneur using the car, bike or transit to expand your territory?

Acadia Front Yard Folk Art Gallery Slideshow

Garage Fun!

While many of my “flaneur finds” were similar those found in April i.e. things like funky fences, back lane folk art and Little Libraries - there were some new trends like fun painted rocks placing them in various spots around the community for kids to find. A community treasure hunt! I love it!

I also found myself each day picking a different theme - ,one day colourful doors, another day RV trailers and probably the most interesting was old funky garages.

Garage Slideshow

Other Fun Finds Slideshow