Everyday Tourist's 2024 Best Flaneur Finds
exploring, flaneur, tourist tips, travel blog, Travel tips, urban living, urban travel, urbanism, walking, Library, urban wandering, Calgary, citiesRichard WhiteFlaneuring, Travel Fun, Little Free Libraries
Back to Nature: The Healing Impact of Green Spaces and Pets in Urban Areas
parks, pathways, public spaces, urban living, urban planning, urban renewal, urban vitality, urbanism, livability, city building, citiesRichard WhiteCitys & Nature, Health benefits of pets, health benefits of parks, Importance of Parks, Pets and human wellbeing, Dog Parks and Community
The Benefits of Getting out of the City and Into Nature
exploring, hiking, Tourist, Travel, travel blog, Travel tips, urban living, urbanism, walkingRichard WhiteMental Health, Health, Benefits of being in nature, Cycling, Walking, Hiking, Enjoying Nature
The Impact of Tech Hubs on Orange County's Urbanism
urban design, urban living, urban planning, urban playground, urban renewal, urban sprawl, urban travel, urban vitality, urbanism, Travel, travel blog, Travel tipsRichard WhiteTech Hubs, Orange County's Urbanism, Main Street, Technology and urban development
Calgary Tourists "Where are all the people?"
Calgary, cities, city vacation, explore, pathways, public space, tourism, tourist, travel, travel blog, urban living, urban playground, urban travel, walkingRichard WhiteCalgary Tourism, Calgary street life, urban vitality, street life, urbanism, travel blog, North America vs Europe
Photo Essay: A Portrait Of Everyday Life In Calgary
architecture, art gallery, Calgary, downtown, dogs, everyday life, exploring, family, Festivals, galleries, garden, golf, livability, neighborhoods, parks, pathways, pedestrians, People watching, photo essay, photography, playgrounds, plazas, public spaces, public art, urban living, urban playground, urbanismRichard WhiteCalgary, urban living, parks, downtown, festivals, skaing, recreation, family, photography, flaneur, street photography
Importance Of Trees To Creating Attractive Neighbourhoods
Calgary, city building, density, design, growth, livability, neighborhoods, parks, planning, streetscape, urban design, urban living, urban planningRichard WhiteCalgary, suburbs, urban planning, urban design, importance of treee, streetscapes
Grid vs Curvilinear Streets Which One Is Better?
Calgary, cities, city building, cycling, history, infill development, pedestrians, planning, urban living, urban planning, urban vitality, urbanism, walkingRichard WhiteCalgary, urban design, street patterns, grid, curvilinear, development, walkability, pedestrian friendly, cycling friendly, wayfinding, walking
Importance of Books, Library, Reading & Collecting During COVID
artists, Books, Collecting, reading, tourist, tourism, urban livingRichard Whitebooks, library, home, collecting, reading, COVID
Things to do in Calgary: Street & Back Alley Flaneuring
Calgary, Books, cities, everyday life, explore, livability, neighborhoods, parks, pathways, pedestrians, photography, public art, public spaces, travel tips, urban living, walking, back lane, alley, flaneurRichard WhiteFlaneur, walk, neighbourhood, COVID, pandemic, explore, fun, funky, Calgary, things to do, Things to do Calgary, Explore Calgary, Calgary Streets
London England: Facade Fun - Poetry vs Photos
architecture, cities, city building, design, downtown, everyday life, explore, photo essay, photography, streetscape, tourist, tourism, travel, urban living, Vacation, walkingRichard WhiteLondon, architecture, downtown, cities, poetry, photography, England, street life, Beat Generation, Street Art
The Joy Of Walking In Your Neighbourhood
Calgary, city building, livability, neighborhoods, parks, pathways, pedestrians, urban living, urbanism, wellnessRichard WhiteWalking, Flaneur, neighbourhood, parks, forrest, Nature, community, health
Vancouver: Street Fun For Everyone
exploring, downtown, urban design, urban living, urbanism, walking, streetscapeRichard WhiteVancouver, Street Life, #fun, #pedestrian experience
A Sunday Walkabout In Hillhurst!
Calgary, city building, exploring, flea market, fun, infill development, public spaces, shopping, tourism, Tourist, urban design, urban living, urbanism, vacation, walkingRichard WhiteCalgary, Hillhurst, Kensington, Sunday, Tourist, Tourism, Flea Markets, Parks, Gardens
Berlin: Postcard Fun
architecture, art, Austin, public art, shopping, Travel, urban design, urban living, walkingRichard WhiteBerlin, postcards, Travel, Vacation, Tourists
Calgary: Everyday Street Photography Fun
Architecture, art, Calgary, city building, downtown, exploring, pedestrians, photography, public art, public space, urban living, urbanismRichard WhiteCalgary, Photography, Street Photography, Streetscapes, Urbanism, City living
Calgary: Sitting On The Porch
architecture, Calgary, city building, exploring, History, housing, infill development, neighborhoods, playgrounds, placemaking, urban living, urbanismRichard WhiteHistory, Pioneers, heritage homes, Calgary, Fish Creek Park
Calgary's Chinatown Postcards
density, Calgary, Change, city building, exploring, housing, infill development, neighborhoods, nimby, pedestrians, placemaking, Travel, urban design, urban living, urbanismRichard WhiteChinatown, history, Calgary, seniors, community building, Community development