Everyday Tourist Videos: Calgary's Downtown Art & Architecture

Does a city’s public art and architecture define its sense of place? Certainly in the later half of the 20th century and first two decades of the 21st century, many cities around the world have been obsessed with the idea of public art and architecture as a means of elevating their status as a world class city.

Calgary as a third tier world city has definitely upped its game when it comes to commissioning public art from internationally famous artists and engaging internationally famous architects to design new buildings.

This blog includes a series of videos that attempt to capture Calgary’s fun, funky and quirky public downtown art and architecture.

If you are looking for more detailed information about Calgary’s public art and architecture you should read these blogs:

Calgary’s Top 10 Public Artworks!

Calgary’s City Centre Is A Fun Outdoor Art Gallery!

Calgary Buildings Designed By Calgarians

Calgary Architecture: Ahead Or Behind The Curve?

Calgary is NOT on the cusp of becoming a “Design City?”

I hope you enjoy these three videos…